American Congress of Cardiology, Chicago (ACC)

Digital Expo Suite - Post Show

Due to Covid restrictions and the impact it has had on global travel, the American Congress of Cardiology 2020 was forced switch to a digital to a format whereby conferences and seminars were hosted online.

Anteris Technologies were well-positioned in advance and were able to present their innovations to leading Cardiologists with a digital walk-through version of this suite. The digital walk-through version was created with a 3d model of the original suite along with animated graphics rather than static and a voice over which talked delegates through the journey of the technology. The digital suite enabled Anteris Technologies to send the walk-through to delegates to who could take the tour one-on-one in there own time without clouding already over-run schedules, giving them a marketing advantage over less equipped presenting businesses of the show that were not able to present.

Digital Expo Suite - Pre Show Teaser